
A five Star rating from

22nd Oct 2010

We have been given a five star rating by wine searcher.

This is judged on the following criteria

Merchant and Winery Ratings

Our merchant/winery ratings are based on information we store in our database. The scores are calculated on the following criteria;

Customer Service History
Based on complaints submitted to us.

Listing Accuracy
Whether we are able to obtain an updated and regular price list (from a merchant's website, via a datafeed, or sent to us by email).

Mystery Shopping
Our in-house mystery shopping program monitors how swiftly a merchant responds to Wine-Searcher users' queries, and also ensures merchants are able to supply the wines they are listing.

Contact History with Wine-Searcher
Based on merchants contacting us to confirm the accuracy of the details we show about their business.

Contact Details
Based on whether a merchant is showing a full set of contact details; physical address, email, telephone numbers, and so on.

The rating scores help us to assess those merchants that do not maintain the high standard of service we require. We remove the price lists of those who have the poorest scores.


Click here to see the rating

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